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destockage-plymaker-polybox-edition-iiPolymaker Polybox Edition II

Polymaker - Polybox Edition II

Brand: PolymakerPolymaker
-8,33 €69,90 € incl.t | 58,25 € Xt
59,90 € incl.t | 49,92 € Xt
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Polymaker - Polybox Edition II - Storing solution for 3D Filament

The Polybox from Polymaker is a cheap and efficient solution to store your 3D printing filaments even during printing jobs.

The Polybox can handle up to 2 x 1kg spools or 1 spool up to 3kg *.

 The LCD screen will display temperature and humidity rate.


Made in China

non-contractual photos

* This capacity will depend on real spool sizes. Contact us for validation.

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For several years, FDBI better known as Imprimante3DFrance, has been distributing several brands of professional 3D printers: 3NTR, Anisoprint, BNC3D, Raise3D.

Imprimante3DFrance also sells 3D scanners and 3D resin printers from Shining3D.

For professionals and demanding amateurs, Imprimante3DFrance offers a very wide choice of filaments for 3D printers as well as resins, components and accessories.


22 bis rue de la voie des bans
95100 Argenteuil (France)