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Adhesive stick DIMAFIX PEN

Brand: DimafixDimafix
15,90 € incl.t | 13,25 € Xt
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DIMAFIX PEN give good adhesion properties for your 3D printer bed. It is sold in a dabber liquid format.

Dimafix is water soluble so it is easy to clean.

It works on different temperature range (mini 65°C - maxi 95°C).The higher it is, the stronger the adhesion.

How to use :

Shake it before application

Make sure the bed is cold
•    Apply the liquid
•    Wait a few seconds until the surface is dry and heat the bed.
•    Print

Recommendations for printings with Dimafix Pen

65°C : Very weak adherence.
The printed piece is self-detached.
65°C - 85°C : Average adherence.
Recommended for simple geometic pieces.
85°C - 95°C : High adherence
Recommended for complex geometric 3D printing shapes
+95°C : Very high adherence.
Recommended for very complex geometric 3D printing shapes.
Reliability for very long-lasting prints.
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For several years, FDBI better known as Imprimante3DFrance, has been distributing several brands of professional 3D printers: 3NTR, Anisoprint, BNC3D, Raise3D.

Imprimante3DFrance also sells 3D scanners and 3D resin printers from Shining3D.

For professionals and demanding amateurs, Imprimante3DFrance offers a very wide choice of filaments for 3D printers as well as resins, components and accessories.


22 bis rue de la voie des bans
95100 Argenteuil (France)


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